The Consumer Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, and Dispute Resolution Attorney You Can Depend On
When you’re in the midst of a complicated bankruptcy case or are navigating the world of estate planning, it’s important to have experienced attorneys Lafayette, LA relies on by your side. Whether you need advice in family, bankruptcy, or garnishment law, we’re here to support you and stand by you throughout your case. At Wiley & Jowers, we believe in giving every case the time and dedication that it deserves. Are you unsure of where to start in your current financial or legal situation? Give us a call today at (337) 608-8193 and get started with your free initial consultation. We’re here to support you. I need the best foreclosure attorney near me, but I don’t know where to start. Wiley & Jowers has your back.
Practice Areas
If you are struggling to pay your bills each month, Bankruptcy can help you regain control of your life. Whether you’re looking for some key insights into foreclosure law or need help pursuing bankruptcy for yourself, we’re the team to call.
When a loved one passes away, the property they own has to be transferred to the new owners. A succession is needed in order to complete this process. ​
Wills and Trust
Protect your assets by creating a will or trust. No one wants to think about the end of life but having a plan can help enjoy your present.
The end of a marriage is hard. We use our experience to help lessen the financial and emotional burden.
Child Custody and Support
Children are special. The custody and support of children should be handled with care and always in the best interest of the child.
Dispute Resolution
From uncontested divorce to minor disputes, we can provide an alternative to lengthy and costly legal battles for parties willing to negotiate. We’re the dispute resolution attorney that you can count on for cases of all sizes and severities.​